ESVOT Secretariat is managed by:
E.V. Soc. Cons. a r.l.
Trecchi Palace
Via Trecchi, 20
26100 Cremona - ITALY

ESVOT Secretariat
Erika Taravella
+39 0372 403509
ESVOT Secretariat is managed by:
Trecchi Palace
Via Trecchi, 20
26100 Cremona - ITALY
Erika Taravella
+39 0372 403509
© 1999 ESVOT European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology - Tax Code 93052930190
managed by E.V. Soc. Cons. a r. l.
Palazzo Trecchi, Cremona (IT) - Phone: +39 0372 403509 - E-mail: